Explore and download our latest publications, showcasing the key findings, best practices, and innovative approaches developed throughout the project.

Training Needs Assessment for the future of deforestation-free supply chain management
This report, produced by the University of Padova (EMMA4EU partner), presents the results of an online survey that identified knowledge, skills, and competence gaps among students and professionals involved in reducing deforestation risk in commodity supply chains and implementing the EU Deforestation-Free Products Regulation (EUDR).

Innovation Report on Deforestation-free Supply Chains
This report, developed by the EMMA4EU project partners, analyses 43 case studies to comprehensively evaluate practices aimed at achieving deforestation-free supply chains (DFSC) and offering guidance on EUDR implementation. The case studies showcase effective compliance and enforcement processes and tools, examining successful and unsuccessful practices related to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and technical solutions. These practices are assessed against key criteria, including effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, feasibility, and innovation.